CDC Evaluation Fellowship Program

Application Deadline: February 22, 2022 at 11:59pm EST

Decisions Released: March 9, 2022

Find the application link here


The CDC Evaluation Fellowship Program aims to expand the capacity of CDC programs to conduct evaluation and increase its usefulness and impact. The Fellowship signifies CDC’s dual commitment to making program evaluation a standard part of practice and to developing a cadre of professionals with the skills to make that happen.

The Program Performance and Evaluation Office (PPEO) manages the Fellowship under the leadership of CDC’s Chief Evaluation Officer (Dan Kidder). Fellows are placed in host programs to work on program evaluation and related activities across the agency.  With the CDC Evaluation Fellowship, programs continuously improve their work with the appropriate resources, tools, and leadership.

The Fellowship is intended to be a two-year program, with the second year being contingent on satisfactory performance and availability of funds. The Fellowship started in 2011 with an initial class of five Fellows and has grown to about 20 Fellows per cohort.

Fellows are doctoral or master’s degree professionals with backgrounds in evaluation, behavioral and social sciences, public health, and other disciplines relevant to evaluation and CDC’s work. Successful applicants bring diverse experiences, having worked on several applied program evaluation projects in non-profit, governmental, and/or academic settings. Once at CDC, they take on a variety of projects in areas of program evaluation, evaluation capacity building, performance monitoring, and program design.


The following are the Fellowship eligibility criteria:

  • Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident with a green card status that is valid for at least two more years from the start of the Fellowship (mid-August).
  • Have significant applied program evaluation experience and be able to document three projects that demonstrate the depth and breadth of the evaluation experience
  • Have a doctoral or master’s level degree from an accredited academic institution in a field relevant to CDC’s work

If selected as Fellows, applicants should be prepared to

  • Meet CDC/ATSDR requirements for general employment suitability (e.g., favorable background security check for U.S. Government employment)
  • Commit full time to the Fellowship assignment for two years. The second year is contingent on satisfactory performance and availability of funds.
  • Relocate to the location of the CDC host program (most are in Atlanta, GA)

For more info, click here, and register to attend one of the informational webinars for Fellow applicants to have your questions answered about the CDC Evaluation Fellowship Program and the application process. Click on the date to register for that informational webinar:

Note: you will receive an email from Zoom with the log-on information.


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