Peace Corps Global Health and HIV Specialists 

SummaryThis position is located in the Office of Global Health and HIV. This team provides strategic guidance for Agency's global health activities, which includes provision of agency-level policy guidance, and general supervision, direction, and coordination of Agency's HIV/AIDS and health activities. OGHH is responsible for coordinating the agency’s participation in the PEPFAR, which is led by the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator (OGAC) in the U.S. State Department.

The Public Health Program Specialist performs the following major duties:
  • Serves as health programming resource in the identification of critical global issues and problems related to project design and implementation.
  • Provides advice and guidance to OGHH, PC posts and PC headquarters around community health programs. Gathers technical resources and data to assist on a broad range of projects, activities and programs. Establishes and promotes an understanding of technical issues, as well as associated organizational and community development approaches for the health programs.
  • Participates in the determination of regional and country development objectives and strategies, based on cooperating country requests, perceived needs, Peace Corps policy, and priorities.
  • Works collaboratively with M&E Specialists in OGHH to support programmatic M&E to evaluate program/activity progress and results according to the performance monitoring framework, document results and apply lessons learned to adjust the project framework.
  • Presents public health information on M&E results to stakeholders and other consultative forums.
  • Designs, develops, and delivers training related to public health. Designs and delivers courses, workshops, and other staff development activities. Plans and develops full-length courses in well-established areas of the subject matter field. Incorporates creativity, innovation, and responsiveness to emerging needs in developing trainings and other knowledge products.


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